Millcreek Herb LLC

"Dedicated to the understanding, wise use and enjoyment of herbs."

Merry Lycett Harrison

Merry Lycett Harrison

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In 1998, Merry Lycett Harrison established Millcreek Herbs, LLC, as a rich resource for herbal education, preparations, consultation and research.
As a certified clinical herbalist, teacher, author and professional member of the American Herbalist Guild, Merry enjoyed educating people about the safe and appropriate use of herbs in diet and healthcare and offered clients botanical therapies such as her popular Thrive Tonic®.
After 20 years she retired her practice and her website has been revised to share her herbal wisdom.

Read Merry's articles about herbs for Home, Kitchen, Garden and Healthcare.

Her how-to videos will give you the inspiration you need and build your confidence in using herbs.

Her fascinating herb research focuses on the history of herbal medicine.

Merry says, "Becoming an herbalist has made me feel more at home in my world because everywhere I look I see plants I know and appreciate. I live my life to the rhythm of the seasons in order to grow, harvest and process my herbs for best benefit."

Thrive Tonic

Now in GLASS bottles. A teaspoon
a day delivers all the health
and energy benefits you love!
Thrive Tonic

Improve vitality and diminish the effects of occasional stress, plus support digestion, immunity, mental clarity and gentle detoxification in just one sweet, daily spoonful.*

The ONLY all-in-one Herbal Energy Solution!

"Thrive Tonic® is like a consultation with me in a bottle."
- Merry Harrison, Creator of Thrive Tonic®

"You've got an awesome formula, a great name and very nice packaging- I wish you great abundance and that Thrive Tonic® finds its way to all who need it." - Rosemary Gladstar

Join the Thrive Tonic community on Facebook.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Millcreek Herbs, L.L.C.~ P.O. Box 9534 ~ Salt Lake City, UT 84109 ~

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